The Uniqueness of Icelandic names

The Uniqueness of Icelandic names

What are the chances of two people bearing the same first name and both sets of parents also?


It's difficult to give a definitive answer to the chances of two people having the same first name and both sets of parents with the same names due to multiple factors at play:

First name sharing:

    • The probability depends heavily on the popularity of the given first name. Highly common names like "John" or "Mary" would statistically have a higher chance of co-occurring than rarer names.

Matching parental names:

    • This exponentially increases the rarity. Each parent's name contributes individually to the probability, multiplying it with the previous step. Consider, for example, the top 10 popular names for each gender in a specific country. Each parent randomly picking from that list would already create extremely low odds.

Additional factors:

    • Location: If both families live in the same small community, they might share local naming trends, slightly increasing the chance.
    • Ethnicity: Some cultures have specific naming traditions, potentially impacting the likelihood.
    • Time period: Popularity of names changes over time, affecting the probability for different generations.


It's safe to say that the chances are extremely low without knowing specific details. While possible, it would be a highly unlikely coincidence.

This is according to Gemini. Chat GPT had something similar to say, but not so clearly in this case. That is why I chose to use Gemini's version. 

When you get your Icelandic name from us, you are receiving the ultimate unique souvenir from Iceland, for free. Our name is the most precious gift we are given when we are born. Finding out what your unique Icelandic version is can be precious too.

Our mission with the names specifically, is to welcome our visitors to Iceland by giving them their unique Icelandic names and nick names. They can then have a little fun with them, try to figure out how to pronounce them, but the best thing they can do is "ask a local". Ask if they agree with the translation or have another theory. Ask if they know of a unique but fitting nickname? Who knows, it could be the perfect ice-breaker and we might make an Icelander of you, or someone in your group yet! Hopefully this can sprinkle your travels in Iceland with a lot of laughter and fun. 

The latest from the Grapevine is that the Icelandic Name Committee has just approved 6 new names to the naming list. You can check out the article about it Here
